Well we survived and cleaned up the almost 11 inches of rain we received in Stuart on Saturday. Not all of it ended up inside the boat but we had some significant leaks. Wow what a deluge. Next morning the laundry area here was waiting room only but we are now clean and dry inside the boat. Our dinghy during the storm accumulated all that rain, It was running out the back it was so full we ended up bailing it out with a bucket and we decided not to waste all the fresh water so we got the boat soap out it was still the raining but not as hard, we scrubbed, washed and rinsed the dinghy down then we started on the side of the boat we scrubbed off some black marks and rinsed it down with the fresh rain water from the dinghy. When you are cruising you have to be creative at all times.
Oh the run away dinghy story (we really do need a name) we came back from shopping and I tied off the dinghy as usual, can't blame this one on Joe, to the side of the boat, we were going back in to shore in an hour. I came on deck and no dinghy I called down to Joe and said where's the dinghy. He came on deck and our dinghy was gone it ran away from home. We looked around the mooring field and see it floating about 100 yards of our stern. Oh and it had our brand new scuba tank in it that Joe bought me for Christmas. I look over to our friend and boat neighbors, Rick and Sandy, and see they are getting into his dinghy and I waved him down he motors over and when I asked he if he could go get our dinghy we all have a good laugh. They were kind enough to rescue our no name transport and bring it back home. The 3 of them had great fun making jokes all night about our run away dinghy.
We left Stuart yesterday and headed about 15 miles south to Peck Lake, It is just off the ICW we anchored here not before we ran aground hard in 6 feet of water, our draft is 6.3. ARRRGGHHH!
Other boats anchored here saw what happened and came over in there dinghies to offer assistance. We tried to back off we tried to go forward finally other cruisers in their dinghies got our bow line and got us turned around and after about a 45 minute ordeal we were freed up and found and anchorage in deeper water. Me and another guy were pushing the boat from our dinghies from behind. It was our friend Rick who finally got us pulled free. We sure did put on a good show for all the people anchored here.
It is a short ride to the shore, which is a nature preserve, jump onto shore walk about 50 yards and we are on the beach on the Atlantic ocean. Going to beach today with a picnic lunch and a blanket. DOLPHIN
focus Mary focus. TTFN
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